The Dad Daughter Journey! Part 2
Hello Friends!
I'm still focusing on the dads and all those who are partnered or co-parenting with the dads.
How has your week been going? Have you found a moment with your daughter where you got to try on the couple of tips I sent in my last email?
I know you’re doing your best to understand her world, and I also know just how confusing and annoying it can feel when it seems to be all about her skin care routine or her curiosity in long acrylic nails. Yup, my home looks like that, too.
And while all of that noise is normal and okay for her to think about, you don’t need to helplessly feel like your connection with her is lost. There are definitely still places where you can connect with your daughter, and I’m here to help.
I urge you to join my Dads-only workshop. It’s meant entirely to help you re-discover those places of connection. I’ll help you explore what’s happening with your daughter, and together we’ll learn how you can better move through this parenting phase with more confidence, patience, strategies, and even humor. Because you’ve got to admit - it’d feel pretty nice to learn how to not take your daughter’s attitude personally, right?
This quick, 2-hour class is for you if:
• You’re overwhelmed and confused by your child's emotional cocktail.
• You’re finding it difficult to get through to her to help guide her.
• Her behaviors and attitudes feel hurtful or disrespectful.
• Your time together seems empty compared to how it used to feel.
• You don't feel like an important part of her life anymore.
• You don’t feel like you know her or understand her right now.
• You're eager to find tools and strategies to help you find connection.
• You're open to increasing your own capacity for connection.
• You yearn to strengthen your relationship with you daughter.
And yes, if you can’t tell by my over-enthusiastic marketing right now, I get beyond excited and motivated to teach this class every time. It's such a powerful and impactful one!
To tide you over in the meantime, here’s a tip for you:
Think of one thing you don't really understand about your daughter’s life, and try to learn about it. Maybe it’s a band she likes, or a YouTube channel. A new activity she's into, or yes- it could even be a brand of face care she’s currently using. Honestly, it doesn't matter what it is, just pick something, and take 10 minutes to learn about it. When you make even that little bit of effort to get to know her, inner world I promise she'll notice.
Thanks for reading and cheers to you! Have a good week.
Remember, parenting is a true martial art, and nobody gets a hall pass. So let’s lean in together to build our community of conscious parents to help mold solid and confident humans!
With love and respect,