Clunky start to summer energy
Hello Friends,
I have had a shitty mom week. Plain and simple. I’m not even totally totally sure why. Nothing actually happened that would cause alarm.
I suppose it could be the being asked a million times for more app time. Maybe it’s watching my kids hang out with their friends nonstop while knowing how much they just need some downtime. Or possibly the constant changing of plans, lack of structure and not being able to control it…
I don’t know. I think it boils down to the transition into our summer schedule. And let’s face it: transitions can feel clunky.
For example, one night we got into a fight at dinner. I made a comment that clearly didn't land well. In the moment, I even knew I sounded critical and judgy. Because, let’s face it- I was feeling critical and judgy, and I couldn’t hold back from saying the totally unnecessary thing.
Needless to say, my kids reacted strongly (which was totally valid.) But I didn’t back down. Instead, I got all flared up on my mom high-horse. “You can’t talk to me like that!” Things like that.
It was uncomfortable. I was definitely in the wrong, while they were just speaking there truth. Ugh…I hate when that happens.
Have you had those moments? Take a deep breath with me if you can relate.
The fact of the matter is, I’m human. We’re all human. And while I may know the “right” thing to do when my kids are pushing back or being the egocentric and clueless teens that’s appropriate for this age, it doesn’t always mean that I’m going to do the right thing, or do it well.
Because knowing how to react, and actually reacting can sometimes feel islands apart.
I know how to be curious, compassionate, and grounded. But man - when I’m triggered, I get reactive and can definitely say things that aren’t always aligned with my values for connection.
So I’ll say it again. I fully own that lately I’ve been a little shitty version of myself. Transitions are clunky. I want you to really see and sense that you’re not alone when you feel the same.
As we enter summer, I want to give us allllll permission to lose our shit and just be out of alignment sometimes. It’s okay to have moments where we flip the script and intentionally tend to our humanness and our messiness. If you’re feeling a little reactive or judgy, try to take a minute to pause and look within. What are you actually needing in that moment? What truth are you not speaking? Or, maybe it’s not even that deep. Maybe your kids are just being annoying and need an emotional kick in the booty.
Either way, it’s all normal and it’s real. I know this concept is nothing new, but I think reminders are helpful to be gentle with yourself no matter how you show up. That will help you find gentleness with them.
As long as you remember: the repair will always override the fight.
And yes, that night after dinner, the repair was legit. But in all honesty, it took me a long time to regulate before I could initiate a heartfelt repair. Side note: timing and patience are everything.
Now let’s all send each other well wishes as we dive headfirst into this clunky transition with expansive summer vibes right around the corner!
PS. Keep an eye out for Fall offerings coming soon.